Imazhet vezulluese të qytetit të parashikuar saudit NEOM, të shpërndara publikisht në fund të korrikut, qarkulluan shpejt nëpër platforma të ndryshme të mediave sociale. Shumë komentuan...
Është raportuar se China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited (CSCEC) është zgjedhur nga Autoputevi RS, operatori i autostradës së Republikës Serbe të Bosnjës, për të ndërtuar...
Kryetari i Komunës së Podujevës, Shpejtim Bulliqi, ka reaguar pasi Prokuroria e Prishtinës ka filluar shqyrtimin e pretendimeve të ish-drejtorit të inspekcionit në Komunën e Podujevës,...
When you want a marriage with a girl, there are a few characteristics to look for. You should love her and be able to respect her....
Getting your soulmate can be a trial. There are a number of things that you have to take into account when ever trying to find your...
Every few faces a lot of challenges and protrusions along the way of marriage. Yet a successful marriage normally takes work, as any relationship truly does,...
If you are bored, you might want to try some fun things to do with your girlfriend. You might play a game title, or...
If you’ve ever wondered if you can possibly bring a mail purchase bride to Canada, you’ve probably as well wondered in cases where these connections...
Having to visualize something to talk about on your initially date is never easy. However with a little know-how, you can get through the nerves and...
Getting engaged in China and tiawan can be a overwhelming task. Even if you is really an expatriate, there are plenty of factors to consider. For...